

  1. contact
  2. friends / blog recommendations
    1. exozy.me
    2. don’t know personally

Hello, I’m daniel, currently CS student at the KIT Karlsruhe.

On the blog I keep track of the projects. To be able to share thoughts with people and help out people who are trying to do the similar ones.

Generally I have the heuristic that if I’ve spent a lot of time learning something or have gained an understanding of it that I do have the obligation to share it. If something was too hard for me to understand with the given resources to then make the resource that I’d have wanted.

I spend too much on my time on configuring and figuring Linux, you can find my nixOS dotfiles on sourcehut and the programs I use here but that may be out of date, check the date when it was last changed .


You can reach out to me here:

To use PGP get my public key here

friends / blog recommendations


don’t know personally