On the 12th of December 24 I’ve written about switching from hugo to zola and github pages to zola. Now around 1.5 months later I’ve done a further step and changed from having the website hosted on sr.ht pages to hosting it myself on a hetzner server with nginx in a more traditional matter. In the following I’ll outline why and very shortly some words around it.
First of all I’ve not been unhappy at all with the hosting of sr.ht, it was made most easily with their nice build system as already outlined in the post about switching to sr.ht.
It was not a decision made for autonomy for the most part and to get more comfortable with e.g. nginx and not because I did dislike my previous setup in any way.
The website is now running as already said on a small Hetzner vps and on nginx. This setup allows me now to just rsync over the files to deploy it, I still plan to use the sr.ht builds for that for the sole reason of forcing myself to back the posts up remotely and writing commits, but it’s not a requirement anymore.
On top I am now also able to have logs on the website and in that way gauge vaguely with the traffic how many people are reading the posts and with which posts there is interacted the most.
For this I’m not going to use anything else than the logs that nginx gives me with the base configuration and then just use goaccess.
It’s very easily usable just on the cli by referring to the nginx logs:
goaccess /var/log/nginx/access.log --log-format=COMBINED
Here is then how that looks like this:
That is pretty useful and the most interesting thing you see in the picture which also Anthony pointed out is that actually a good amount of people are subscribed to the atom feed.
In the picture it says there were 308 requests of 41 different IP-addresses which is very cool.
That is pretty much everything I have to say here, just wanted to note down the little changes.
Hope you enjoyed reading! If you have a comment–or I missed something–just reach out.