Topic |
Sleep |
Author |
Matthew Walker |
Year published |
2017 |
Rating |
10/10 |
Where to buy |
As you may have seen in the table already, this book represents a 10/10 for me.
It did take me two years–or rather two attempts–to fully get through the
book, I’ve started in the summer of 2022 but didn’t get further than two
chapters and then in the spring of 2024 I’ve managed to finish it within a
It is a very dense book initially and the first try I suppose I just wasn’t
ready for the rather scientific nature, but with reading through the chapters
it slowly dawned on me that the discussion of sleep is of utter importance to
basically anyone. And seeing the value in it I’ve started to pick up the
excitement Walker was able to encapsulate within his writing.
As in the last review I’ll lay down my notes and talk about some related things
and my ideas throughout them, and what’s left of my opinion and such will get
it’s related own section at the end to also be mentioned.
Topic |
Suicide |
Author |
Kay Redfield Jamison |
Year published |
1999 |
Rating |
9/10 |
Where to buy |
Certainly one of the most interesting books I’ve read lately. It’s an issue I fortunately have no experience with but felt the urge to know more about. The author tries to make clear, once the stigma on mental illness and as a colloraly suicide is not as bad anymore in society, then life would be a lot better for those in need.
It is not a problem such as a lethal illness, there is help. And if society gets educated on it then we are able to help those in need and stop the current suicide epidemic.
Topic |
Fiction |
Author |
Max Frisch |
Year published |
1954 |
Rating |
9/10 |
Where to buy |
Refreshingly different read, the book is made out of six diaries of the protagonist “Stiller” and one of his prosecutor which became friends over the period of his condemnation.
Stiller does not think he is the Swiss Stiller, but an American citizen instead.
During his diaries he finds out about Stiller while beliefing that is a totally foreign guy to him.
Topic |
Economy |
Author |
Yanis Varoufakis |
Year published |
2023 |
Rating |
8/10 |
Where to buy |
Enjoyed this one very much. Thesis is that capitalism has ended and we are now in the system of “Technofeudalism”. The feudal lord being big tech companies and the serfs e.g. users of their services. Novel thoughts, well written, guided in a discussion between Varoufakis and his dad.
Topic |
Fiction |
Author |
Ernest Hemingway |
Year published |
1962 |
Rating |
10/10 |
Thinking back to reading it, that was one of the books that had such an iconic use of English that it changed my own.
Hemingways use of language is very characteristic, I can’t put into words what it was, but it changed something for me. Something clicked