rss only: 1 - Emacs note taking inquiry

Published: 2025-01-24

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am thinking about taking notes with emacs, could need advice


when I first started taking notes more seriously I just used neovim with vimtex and that worked out pretty well.

Now it’s three years later and I think that basic notes should not necessarily be compiled and there have to be more painfree ways.

Recently I have been dabbling with my doom emacs a little checking how well that’d work and I do like the mix out of org/TeX/pdf-viewing and other features like workspaces (which allows me to just save e.g. when I am taking notes on slides and later restore it easily).

I’ve gotten recommended a video by moksh that was about latex live previews in emacs and that did seem great, but I am sure there are also a lot of things that I am hugely missing out on.

I estimate that some of you readers are much more familiar with emacs than I am, so please let me know what your workflow with emacs is to take notes on scientific topics (or anything with heavy math notation).

Reach out at contact.