 typing

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Keyboard Layout

1205 words


Step One – Realisation

Having typed all my life on qwerty or qwertz I got used to it. I got into practising typing to gain speed and accuracy, towards the end I averaged around 90 words per minute (wpm) and had a accuracy of >95%.

But at some point I got fed up with it, why did I still use the normal layout? That has no reason for existing any more and that after I have switched to a tiling-window-manager, vim and countless other things, just to get the last seconds off the clock and have the computer do whatever I want it to do as fast as possible.

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1422 words


The Dactyl Experience

A picture taken from above of the finished split keyboard, being on the desk.
figure 1: picture of the finished keyboard


During the last days and weeks I’ve spend some of my time soldering, configuring and figuring about a dactyl keyboard. Now it is done and I can now type much more ergonimic and better than I could before, in the following I will talk about the process and maybe you can get something out of it :).

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